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英検2級・準1級 「要約」問題の解き方対策 秘密のテンプレート





英検2級・準1級 「要約」問題の解き方対策 秘密のテンプレート


  1. 英検のライティングが変わった?所要時間は?
  2. ライティング 要約 テンプレート
  3. 自分の英文ライティングは添削してもらおう



  • 準1級・・・200語程度の長文を60~70語で要約
  • 2級・・・150語程度の長文を45~55語で要約


英検ライティング 要約【テンプレート】

ちなみに「要約」ですので、自分の意見(I think….など)は書きません。

For example/because をつけてまとめる
However, から始め、
For Example/becauseをつけてまとめる

ライティング 要約 【テンプレの使い方】

上のテンプレ①②③④ に当たる部分に線を引き、文章を抜き出してまとめていきます。語数は67~73語くらい。


*当記事は「要約問題の初心者」のための記事のため、[ただ抜き出す]にハードルを下げてあります。 高いスコアを採るには抜き出しでなく、文を別の表現で「言い換える」必要があります。

英検ライティング 要約 【練習問題】


 Many scientists say that plants are good, not only for the environment, but also for our well-being. That’s why we can find plants in many offices today.
   The presence of green plants makes people more relaxed and focused.  Studies show that plants that are placed in workspaces improve our mood and help workers become more productive.  Having at least one plant on a desk, or being able to see plants outside an office window, can make a big difference to a worker. Plants are also beautiful, and break up the sometimes dull look of a typical office.  They have a type of beauty that only nature can provide. Stopping to touch or smell a plant in an office can make a person feel refreshed.
   Nevertheless, it is sometimes not practical to keep plants in a business environment.  Like any living thing, plants require special care, in particular water, some light, and sometimes soil replacement.  It is not always easy to find the time to care for plants this way.  Plants can also be expensive.  In fact, companies with large numbers of plants can spend quite a bit of money on buying and maintaining them.  The largest firms or organizations may spend hundreds of thousands of dollars each year simply on largest firms or organizations may spend hundreds of thousands of dollars each year simply on landscaping and other types of plant care.
   People continue to enjoy plants, and institutions buy millions of them each year.  Before buying a plant, however, office managers should think carefully about everything that is involved.

英検ライティング 要約 練習問題 【手順】

ここでは、①(主題)を赤色、②(ポジティブ面)を青色、③(マイナス面)をピンク ④(結論)をでハイライトしました。

 Many scientists say that plants are good, not only for the environment, but also for our well-being. That’s why we can find plants in many offices today.   

 The presence of green plants makes people more relaxed and focused.  Studies show that plants that are placed in workspaces improve our mood and help workers become more productive.  Having at least one plant on a desk, or being able to see plants outside an office window, can make a big difference to a worker. Plants are also beautiful, and break up the sometimes dull look of a typical office.  They have a type of beauty that only nature can provide. Stopping to touch or smell a plant in an office can make a person feel refreshed.
   Nevertheless, it is sometimes not practical to keep plants in a business environment.  Like any living thing, plants require special care, in particular water, some light, and sometimes soil replacement.  It is not always easy to find the time to care for plants this way.  Plants can also be expensive.  In fact, companies with large numbers of plants can spend quite a bit of money on buying and maintaining them.  The largest firms or organizations may spend hundreds of thousands of dollars each year simply on largest firms or organizations may spend hundreds of thousands of dollars each year simply on landscaping and other types of plant care.
   People continue to enjoy plants, and institutions buy millions of them each year.  Before buying a plant, however, office managers should think carefully about everything that is involved.

英検ライティング 要約 練習問題 【解答例】

   ①Many scientists say that plants are good for our well-being. That’s why we can find plants in many offices today.   
 ②Green plants make people more relaxed, focused and productive.  Plants are also beautiful, and touching or smelling a plant in an office can make a person feel refreshed.
 ③However, plants require special care, in particular water, and some light. It is also expensive.
 ④Office managers should think carefully about these.





英検2級・準1級 「要約」問題の解き方対策 秘密のテンプレート【まとめ】


